Stock Plants
Over 100 Plant Species In Stock
Wholesale nursery in Auckland
We maintain a wide variety of stock plants at our Auckland nursery, covering approximately 100 different species of native and exotic plants. Exact levels of stock plants will vary depending on demand and seasonal variations. Please contact us for current availability.
Stock Plants
Acaena inermis purpurea
This is a vigorous, hardy, herbaceous groundcover plant, Acaena inermis purpurea spreads to about 1m.
Ajuga reptans
Ajuga reptans has runners that spread across the surface of the ground forming a low-growing ground cover 10 cm tall with flower spikes up to 24 cm tall.
Apodasmia similis
Apodasmia similis, also known as oioi or jointed wire rush, is a plant that is endemic to New Zealand. Typically a coastal plant found around wetlands.
Arthropodium bifurcatum
Arthropodium bifurcatum is one of New Zealand's most versatile and popular landscaping plants. Features long stems of white flowers from November to January.
Austroderia fulvida
Austroderia fulvida is a stout, tussock-forming grass up to 3.5 m tall when in flower. Robust and easy growing.
Blechnum novae zelandiae
Blechnum novae zelandiae can be found growing abundantly on clay banks along roadsides and rivers.
Blechnum parrisiae doodia australis
Blechnum parrisiae doodia australis favours coastal to lowland in open or forested sites, within light scrub, in rough pasture.
Carmichaelia australis
Carmichaelia australis is a small tree with many flattened green twigs clustered at the top of grey-brown branches. Small flowers cluster along its twigs.
Coprosma acerosa
Coprosma acerosa (red rocks) is a striking ground cover with rusty-red, intertwining branches. Tiny flowers with blue berries. Great for coastal sites.
Coprosma repens Poor Knights
Coprosma Repens Poor Knights is a low-growing plant with vibrant glossy green leaves. Great coast hardy ground cover tolerant to dry conditions.
Coprosma robusta
Coprosma robusta is found in lowland forest or shrub throughout New Zealand. Featuring dark green leaves, it grows as either a shrub or small tree.
Cordyline australis
Cordyline australis – or cabbage tree – is common around wetland areas throughout New Zealand vegetation. It can achieve heights of 20m.
Corokia Frosted Chocolate
An eye catching, lush, chocolate brown shrub. Colour intensifies during winter months. Produces a mass of starry yellow flowers in spring.
Corokia Geentys Green
Corokia Geentys Green is a popular hedge plant with large, light olive-green leaves and an upright form. Produces yellow flowers in spring.
Corynocarpus laevigatus
The bold, glossy leaves of this broadleaf tree make the Karaka a distinctive feature of the coastal forests of New Zealand. Grows to a height of around 10m.
Cyperus ustulatus
Cyperus ustulatus is a vigorous native sharp-edged swamp grass (sedge). It is found growing in damp open areas in coastal and lowland habitats.
Dianella nigra
Dianella nigra, an NZ native, is noted for its magnificent bright blue berries that arise during summer from small inconspicuous white flowers with yellow stamens. The berries when squeezed produce an ink-like juice hence it is sometimes called Inkberry.
Dicksonia squarrosa
The New Zealand tree fern Dicksonia squarrosa has a tall slender brown trunk and produces only a few fronds which sprout in an almost horizontal fashion.
Elatostema rugosum
Elatostema rugosum is a herbaceous ground cover plant and is one of our very few perennials. The distinctive rough leaves are bronze, green and purple in colour.
Geniostoma ligustrifolium
Geniostoma ligustrifolium is a bushy shrub up to 4 m in height with slender brittle branches found mainly in lowland and coastal forests.
Griselinia littoralis Broadway Mint
Griselinia littoralis Broadway Mint trims well into a glossy green hedge. Fast growing and tolerant to most conditions, including coastal areas.
Kunzea robusta
Kunzea ericoides (Kanuka) has light brown bark, small needle-like leaves and has smaller flowers and seed capsules than its close relative, Manuka.
Leptinella dispersa sub. rupestre
Used in wetlands regeneration, Leptinella dispersa sub. rupestre is suited to coastal areas where it grows in damp hollows, sand depressions, cliff faces, on slumps and slip scars, and on the margins of coastal streams.
Leptinella squallida sub. mediana
Leptinella squallida sub. Mediana is often found on river beds, cobble or sand beaches, in short tussock grassland and in alpine herbfields.
Leptospermum scoparium
Leptospermum scoparium (Manuka) is a perennial shrub species native to New Zealand and found throughout the country.
Lobelia pratia angulata
Lobelia pratia angulata (Panakenake) is a is fast growing wide spreading groundcover, found throughout New Zealand. It prefers damp situations. It has small lush rounded leaves and masses of white flowers from spring onwards.
Lomandra longifolia ‘Tanika’® LM300 (PVR)
Lomandra longifolia ‘Tanika’® LM300 (PVR) is an evergreen with compact fine leaf form. A low maintenance plant is perfect for landscape professionals.
Machaerina articulata
Machaerina articulata (Baumea articulata or Jointed Twig Rush) is a vigorous rush type plant found growing in swampy areas.